The Northern Audio Visual Group
Zoom Meeting 25th January 2025.
This was the second of our bi-annual Zoom meetings and it appeared to be

popular with our members as they were able to meet in the comfort of their own homes with no travel involved during the midst of winter. There were 13 sequences to view, from12 of our members and 20 members attended the meeting.
From Gillian Hayles’ AV, Birmingham Bullring
The sequences are not judged, giving people the opportunity to show an AV in a relaxed and friendly environment which, it is hoped, will encourage beginners and less experienced AV producers to show their work.Pat Johnston is very proficient at showing the sequences over the internet via YouTube and the meeting proceeded verysmoothly.
The full list of the sequences is shown below and, as can be seen, are varied in their content, demonstrating the photographic, technical and story telling abilities of the
Northern Audio Visual Group membership.
These meetings are a great environment for learning the techniques for making an audio visual whilst making new friends with a common interest and it is hoped that, with
the support of the membership they will continue.

The next meeting will not be Zoom as it is going to be held
at Snods Edge on Saturday 15th March 2025. Further details available on FUTURE MEETINGS page
1. Andrew Nicol Selection from 2024 4.18
2. Gerry Stephens The Lakeland Trial 2024 12.34
3. Gillian Hales Read my mind 4.03
4. Pat Johnston Prague Christmas 4.46
5. Ian Gregory Kirby Grindalythe 3.04
6. David Rodway Aros Park 3.55
7. Val Johnston The beauty is in the detail 4.50
8. Ron Henry Creating Memories 8.11
9. David Niman Seven Places of Worship 4.22
10. Gillian Hales Birmingham Bullring 4.01
11. Peter Reynolds Tynemouth priory and Castle 4.41
12. Alan Snape Highline 9.11
13. David Rodway Castle Arboretum 4.23
Zooming Good Morning
Like all groups during Covid 19 theNAVGroup resorted to meeting over Zoom.

From Val Johnson's AV
Ladies in Purple
Although these meetings were successful and better than not meeting, we were relieved when we could all get together again at Snods Edge. Our experience with Zoom, however, encouraged us to add a bi-annual electronic meeting to our syllabus and so on Saturday 20th July we ‘met-up’ on Zoom to share a half-day AV session.
Our committee had suggested a themed AV day the theme being colour, a free choice of any colour under the rainbow. The reasoning was to encourage members to create a new AV rather than regurgitate a previous programme. Twenty members logged into this free session with nine members producing AVs specifically on colours: ranging from ‘Ladies in Purple’ to ‘Jaune’ and a further six members sharing existing AVs with the group.
The meeting began at 10:30 a.m. prompt with our Chairperson Val welcoming us and outlining the programme for the day. Our Treasurer Patrick was the Zoom Host, he had previously uploaded all our MP4 AVs to YouTube so, following a short introduction from the programme author, Patrick was able to provide a link to the AV and the group logged onto the YouTube programme. Apart from a few initial glitches when members ‘forgot’ to mute and we enjoyed more than one version of the soundtrack, it all worked extremely well. Links to the AVs on YouTube are attached for you to Click and watch.

From Ian Gregory's AV
There is no competition element to these Zoom meetings, so we were able to relax and, in some cases, gently take the mickey out of ourselves for the entertainment of our friends. The newer members could ‘test the water’ by entering their first attempt programmes. For some it was an opportunity to showcase AVs which had originally been produced for other purposes and for others the discipline of producing an AV on a theme was a welcome project
Although Zoom meetings are no replacement for a face-to-face meeting with friends and fellow AV workers, it does afford the opportunity to see each other and our work, there is no travelling or cost involved, we all get a coffee (other beverages are available!) made to our liking whenever we need one. And apart from the host, Patrick, who looks calm but must have been like the proverbial swan furiously paddling under the desk, the whole event was relaxed and very enjoyable.
Our next ‘proper’ meeting is at Riding Mill Community Centre on the 19th of October 2024 where we will meet in person but with Linda and Edgar Gibbs Zooming in from Wales to entertain and educate us as well as comment on our creations. So, Zoom continues to play a major role in our enjoyment of the Northern Audio-Visual Group and I’m sure we will appreciate another Zoom session in the short cold days of January 2025.
1. Ron Henry Blue Moon 2.55
2. Val Johnston Ladies in Purple 4.00
3. Pat Johnston Blue 3.33
4. David Rodway Jaune 5.26
5. Alan Young Project Blue 6.40
6. Ian Gregory Yellow 3.18
7. Gillian Hales Les Fleurs Roses 4.53
8. David Niman Fado music of Portugal 3.52
9. Peter Reynolds The Miller’s Trail 5.27
10. Gillian Hales Fun at the Fringe 4.22
11. David Rodway Wynyard Hall Walled Garden 6.15
12. David Niman Ogilby's Great North Road 11.00
13. David Rodway Some Calendar Pics 6.25
14. Gillian Hales Impressions of Brum 4.27
Meeting at Snods Edge March 16th 2024
We appear to be going from strength to strength. Having averaged around twenty visitors over our last few face-to-face meetings, on Saturday 16th March we had over thirty, many of whom were new to us and new to AV presentations. We had a total of 13 sequences to display which covered everything from accidents in Slovenia, butterflies, Hardwick Park and visits to several locations around Britain and Europe.
Our guest speaker was Ron Henry, well known to all of us as an expert on the AV medium. With his customary wit and charm, Ron guided us through the joys and perils of AV production with particular emphasis on the use of Artificial Intelligence and the degree to which it might be involved in photography generally.
On Saturday 20th July we shall be having our next Zoom meeting where the theme will be a colour. Our next live meeting will be at Riding Mill on Saturday 19th October 2024.
Click on the links below to see some of Saturday’s sequences via Youtube. (Right click and open hyperlink) ,
Material Girl by Gillian Williams
Meeting by Zoom January 20th 2024
17 members joined the meeting and were treated to an excellent, interesting and varied selection of member’s audio visuals.
Well travelled Kath and Harry Gilbert took us to the wonders of the very south of South America and the wonderful scenery of ‘Where the rivers meet’ in Bangladesh. The sights and sounds of Dacca were very well presented.
Ron Henry treated us to a wonderful sequence called ‘Jeopardy in photography’ with memories from his youth and beyond, of the risks one might take to get that photo.
David Niman gave us a look at one of the first AVs he presented to the group which gave a lively impression of the island of Cuba. Then he gave us an interesting, ‘A day at the show’ showing preparation, show day and clearing away at the end.
A warm welcome was given to new member Gillian Reynolds who presented an unusual mono version of ‘Birmingham Street art’. This worked extremely well and she went on to show us a lively ‘BMX world championship’.
David Rodway gave us a gentle stroll around the Water Lily garden at Burnby with some lovely close ups superimposed on the wider view and then a walk along ‘Whaw Edge’ in the Yorkshire dales with some fine scenery.
We joined the Robert Albert Clark rally in Kielder Forest courtesy of Gerry Stephens. We enjoyed some fine pieces of video with appropriate sound effects taken on his Mobile Phone.
Val Johnston took us on a tour of the Isle of Man with ‘Manx Heritage’ giving an insight into the fascinating history of the island. An Autumn sequence showed some beautiful Autumn colours and scenes around Aberfeldy in Scotland.
Pat Johnston took us through magnificent scenery to the ‘Top of Europe’ . The snow covered mountains are spectacular, we visited ice caves and he showed us the interesting journey from Grindelwald to the Kleine Scheidegg station and then onwards through the Eiger to Jungfraujoch.
We went back in time to an interesting and enjoyable sequence ‘Gateshead games’ with Howard Wilson. He had a press pass and was able to show us Seb Coe in action. It was a remarkable quality considering it had been converted to digital from slide transparencies. A valuable historical record.
All in all an excellent morning of AVs. So many thanks to those who contributed, those who attended and gave us their thoughts, to David Niman for his secretarial contribution and Pat Johnston for getting the sequences onto you-tube and showing them on the day.
Val Johnston 21st January 2024
Meeting at Snods Edge March 18th 2023
On Saturday 18th March 2023 the Northern Audio Visual Group returned to the Hall in SnodsEdge. The meeting was attended by an enthusiastic audience of 25 who heard two of our own members give two enlightening presentations.
The first presentation, Pixels, Myths and Magic, by Jim McCormack DPAGB/AV, described the origins of the 72 pixels per inch, for images, and why that resolution is probably not the best for modern day monitors and AV’s. Manufacturers no longer produce screens to 72 ppi and are now made to a much higher resolution. Reducing the image resolution from 300 ppi as used by modern day cameras to say 96 ppi will reduce the size of an image that is more manageable for
AV programmes.
Space does not allow for a full description here. However, explains the why’s and wherefore’s very well.
Jim also described and demonstrated how to use the Content Aware Tool in Photoshop to tidy up images of unwanted blemishes or objects.
At the end of the first presentation there was a short tea break before the showing of five members sequences.
The following sequences for both the morning and afternoon sessions were reviewed by Richard Speirs DPAGB, APAGB, BPE2, from Morton Photographic Society, who gave constructive comments in a most amiable way.
The first, Jamnagar, by Harry and Kath Gilbert transported the audience to the city of Jamnagar located on the western coast of India. The wonderful commentary blended with appropriate background music and excellent images gave a broad feel for the area in both the city and countryside.
Secondly La Gomera by Ross Bowyer, showed this island, the third smallest of the Canary Islands at its very best. Lovely pictures of flowers and the inclusion of a short video demonstrating the whistling language, left the viewer with the desire to visit the island themselves.
Next was The Ice Trail by Lynn Flounders. Competent photography and an excellent choice of background music, blended with a well spoken commentary captured the fascinating event of ice sculpturing. The viewer was taken through the sequence of transforming a block of ice into a work of art along with the tools used by the artists.
The fourth sequence of the morning titled The Seasons, by Pat Johnston was a very enjoyable evocation of the seasons and a pleasure to see where Pat had wandered over a 12 month period.
The sequence included variations of image fades and timings which fitted in well with the tempo of the music.
The final sequence for the morning session by Ian Gregory was Donna Nook, a nature reserve on the coast of Lincolnshire where grey seals go every year to give birth to their pups. This short AV showed nature in the raw with excellent photography throughout with some beautifully sharp images and well handled lighting.
Following an excellent lunch the afternoon session began with Ron Henry’s presentation “Sounds Good”. Ron explained how sound production and editing can benefit from the use of a sound editing programme such as Audacity.
During the presentation the audience where shown how to use Audacity to improve the quality of sound recordings by removing back ground noise and using the various effects within the programme.
A short tea break followed before the last six of the members sequences were shown.
The first, Sheffield Sub, presented by Ray McMillan, was an amusing presentation of a reunion event of the Sheffield University Ten Pin Bowling Club. There were some clever animations of the club members who would recognise themselves at a reunion.
This was followed by Trees in February by Val Johnston. A different approach to an AV as the competent script was made more interesting in that we were listening to the trees talking about themselves. Lovely pictures of trees, in February, and early spring flowers.
Andrew Nicoll presented “Whitely Bay Waves” which recorded the power of the sea over a period of two days in December either side of high and low tide. The choice of music suited the rough seas and the images depicted the stormy weather extremely well with superb pictures of gulls seemingly enjoying the turbulent conditions.
Railway Romance by David Niman was an excellent sequence about railways from a different aspect, linking memorable music with memorable locomotives in such an effective way. The quality of the commentary and soundtrack was exemplary with good balance between the two.
Le Nid’ d’Aigle by John Harbron, who unfortunately was unable to attend the meeting, was another excellent piece of scripting and commentary which took us on the Mont Blanc Tramway.
Lovely photography throughout with sound recordings of the train journey including the excited voices of the passengers above the creaking of the carriages. The ending was well thought out and effective with the tram emerging from a dark tunnel into bright sunlight at its destination.
Finally Peter Reynolds showed his sequence The Lort Burn which took us on a fascinating journey into the history of Newcastle with a clear commentary and appropriate music track. The Lort Burn once flowed through the centre of Newcastle and was used as an open sewer until it was put underground in 1696.
The meeting was closed by the Chairperson, Val Johnston, who thanked Richard Speirs for his thoughtful and constructive comments about the sequences and also for those attending and the members who presented their sequences.
Val also thanked the Secretary, David Niman, along with other committee members Kath and Harry Gilbert and Ian Gregory helped by by other members attending did a wonderful job in the background washing up serving teas and generally tidying up afterwards ensured that the day ran smoothly and was enjoyed by all those in attendance.
Many thanks to Val and Pat Johnston Johnston for organising a well planned and executed day that was enjoyed by everyone who attended.
The Northern AV Group Meeting October 15th 2022
On 15th October we held our Northern AV Group meeting at Riding Mill where we saw several excellent productions with constructive criticism from Andrew Nicoll and Peter Reynolds. Our guest speaker (see below) was Mark Allen.
We started with ”Douro” by Pat Johnston, a river trip in Portugal, followed by “Scenes from Holywell Dene”, an attractive hillside location, by Andrew Nicoll. Stuart Edgar showed us a sequence based on the paintings of Thomas Bushby entitled “An Artist in Demand” and this was followed by “Sicily”, a tour of the island by Malcolm Burns. From there we went to Yorkshire, or more precisely “Kelham Island” on the River Don in Sheffield in which Ray McMillan showed us an AV exploring Sheffield’s industrial heritage. From there we went to Saltburn where Lynn Flounders showed us around “Methodist Church – Saltburn”.
After an excellent buffet lunch we were entertained with Ron Henry’s good humour when he showed us “New friends” which provided us with a glimpse on the medication we might need as we move forward in life. “Vikings” by John Harbron was an informative AV on Viking life, and this was followed by “Ogilby’s Great North Road” by David Niman based on an old coaching map showing us how the route has changed since its publication.
We then saw a production based on the Great War entitled “The Fallen” using music by performed by The Fureys, “The Green Fields of France”. This sequence was produced by Peter Reynolds. We went on a “Norwegian Adventure” with Val Johnston who took us up the coast of Norway. Anne Harbron’s “Jigsaw Pieces” was an excursion into Nidderdale where we saw some attractive mosaic work. We then finished with a piece by Kath and Harry Gilbert on Bhutan called “Into the Hidden Kingdom”.
Between sessions we were very fortunate in having Mark Allen on Zoom. Mark showed us how he created audiovisuals from inception to the final production using PTE. He also showed us some productions of his own, many of which were quite moving.
We had over 20 attending the meeting at our new premises. The move was well-received, although, because Riding Mill is booked throughout next March, we will be in Snods Edge once more!
Interim Meeting
30th July 2022 via Zoom
On Saturday 20th July the group had a zoom meeting which was attended by 21 members. Most of those who came online had sequences to show, and brief summaries of each one follow:
Jim McCormick gave us a very informative sequence on a salt mine in Poland which had been artistically modified entitled “Wieliczka” and, continuing the East European theme, Ron Henry gave us a satirical sequence on “Mithumania”.
On the subject of themes we had “Washington” (not DC) from Pat Johnston and “Lost in the Garden of Statues” based on the Yorkshire Sculpture Park from David Niman.
We had three walks – “Wainstones Walk” from David Rodway and “Watendlath Walk” from Andrew Nichol. David Niman had a further sequence based on a coastal walk in Yorkshire entitled “The Cinder Track”.
We had two sequences on the River Tyne, “Tyne” from Howard Wilson and “The River” from Peter Reynolds.
Val Johnston gave us an excellent account of the “Northumberland Show” exercising her skills as a press photographer and Ron Henry gave us a second sequence based on the war years entitled “Pickering on Parade” which included appropriate music and speeches by Churchill.
Finally Kath and Harry Gilbert gave us a sequence entitled “Madagascar” which brought home to us the dangers in which we are putting our environment.
The meeting lasted about two and a half hours and we received encouraging comments afterwards by email from a number of those who attended.
Our next meeting will be in October. By Zoom or at Snods Edge in person? This has not been finally decided – we are still sorting out technical issues. Keep an eye on the website!
Northern Audiovisual Group
The Northern AV Group Meeting March 12th 2022